Did anybody else see the story on Huffington Post today about the woman whose vagina fell out? As if I didn’t have enough to worry about, now I have to be on the lookout in case my innie becomes an outie?! This is just one more reason why the Democrats in the Senate need to get off their asses and get some meaningful healthcare reform passed stat. By God, if even one woman goes to the doctor with her shit hanging out and is told to go home and tuck it back in because they don’t have the money for an operation then I’m giving up all hope. We really are just a nation full of greedy, selfish pricks.
And the biggest greedy, selfish prick of all is that douche bag senator from Connecticut, Joe Lieberman. He’s willing to participate in a GOP filibuster before he’ll allow the rest of the country to share in the same kind of government run insurance that he’s entitled to as a member of the United States Senate. I’m sure it’s purely a matter of principle though. The vast sums of money that insurance companies have contributed to his campaigns have nothing to do with it. The fact that the Democrats still try to placate this traitor is amazing. This is where I have to give the Republicans credit. If you turn on them they’ll cut you down in a heartbeat.
When I saw all those representatives cheering and talking about what an historic moment it was when healthcare reform passed in the House I wanted to believe, I really did. But realistically, I know it’s not going to mean shit. The Senate's going to twist and turn it until all that will be left is a pathetic, mealy-mouthed shadow of the already watered-down version that came out of the House. If anything passes at all. The thing that really drives me insane is the Orwellian double speak that's been a part of this debate from the start. Republicans say they're worried about the expense so they propose not cracking down on the insurance monopolies and not offering a public option to force them to lower their rates. What the fuck?!? I think I felt my vagina slip a little just thinking about it.
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