I used to be proud of voting for Obama but now the vote I’m proudest of casting is for my Representative, Raul Grijalva. He sent a letter to the president Friday as a co-chair of the Progressive Caucus asking to sit down and discuss his commitment to a public option. Progressives were the people who elected Obama in the first place and he’s been shitting on them from day one. That Grijalva, an Obama supporter, is demanding to at least be given as much consideration as Olympia Snowe gives me hope that maybe other Democrats will grow a set of balls and say hey, we’re in the majority, let’s do this thing right or don’t do it at all.
I’ve kept quiet while Obama sucked up to the banking industry, kowtowed to the generals and blew off the gays and lesbians, but health care reform is something near and dear to my heart. That Joe Lieberman is able to hijack the entire country just by threatening to throw a hissy fit is more than I can take. I thought the tea bag movement was bad but Lieberman’s douche bag movement of one is a new low in the history of politics. He’s suddenly against many of the things he supported in the past and the only reason I can see for his sudden change of heart is that he’s pissed because the Democrats from his own state don’t like him. Now Obama is ready to literally teabag Lieberman just to pass some half-assed bill that doesn’t do shit so he can say he got healthcare reform enacted in his first year.
Obama talks the talk but so far, he doesn’t walk the walk. I can understand not wanting to be too radical your first year in office but Jesus Christ, the majority of the nation supports a public option. What part of that do you not understand? The health care system in America is in need of a heart and lung transplant and Obama’s down to proposing some Botox and a little liposuction. I didn’t think it was possible but it’s looking like the Democrats may succeed in passing a health care bill that’s even more fucked up than what we have now. If they don’t start acting on the change they promised in the last election soon, I’m afraid the next change we’ll see is Palin in 2012.
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