“Soft talk about engagement, closing Gitmo, these things are not going to appease the terrorists,” he said. “They’re going to keep coming after us, and we can’t have politics as usual in Washington, and I’m afraid that’s what we’ve got right now with airport security.” Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.)
When I saw this quote in a Politico article this morning it once again made me wonder how South Carolina can so consistently elect such a bunch of dumbasses into office. Yes, Senator DeMint, I totally agree, we can’t have politics as usual in Washington and that’s definitely what we have right now with airport security. If you hadn’t been playing politics as usual by holding up the appointment of Erroll Southers to head the Transportation Safety Administration maybe we could’ve had a better screening system in place that would’ve acted on the intelligence that we already had on the underwear bomber.
Unfortunately we’ll never know because you chose to block the current administration from getting a leader in place who could examine the effectiveness of the security measures enacted by the Republicans because Southers might let TSA employees unionize. Call me crazy but I’ll take employees who are adequately compensated and subsequently might actually give a damn about doing a decent job over people hired on the cheap that are constantly in fear of losing their position to someone willing to take 50 cents an hour less.
DeMint says he’s worried that union bosses could delay or veto security measures but I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. Acting quickly without thinking things through got us an asinine color-coded alert system that no one pays any attention to, a ban on adequately-sized toiletries and an obsession with making all passengers go barefoot through the security line. None of these swift actions has improved our security in any way that I can see. Janet Napolitano’s initial reaction to the crisis didn’t do anything to make me feel that the Democrats will handle future terrorist attacks any better than their predecessors but the least Senator DeMint can do is shut up, get out of the way and let the Obama administration make their own mistakes.
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