A new study from Public Policy Polling finds that 42 percent of Republicans believe that President Obama was not born in the United States, while 22 percent still remain uncertain of his birthplace origin. On the flip side, the poll also finds that 25 percent of Democrats believe that George W. Bush intentionally allowed the September 11th attacks to occur to serve as a catalyst for a war in the Middle East.Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/24/birther-poll-42-percent-o_n_298456.html
When I saw these statistics on Huffingtonpost I thought, has the world gone insane?!? I used to think it was funny to listen people spout off their crazy conspiracy theories but after I lost my brother to late onset paranoid schizophrenia, I haven’t been laughing. There is not a shred of evidence supporting either one of these slanderous accusations and if you lend any credence to them whatsoever then you might as well accept my brother’s theory that I’m a government clone out to get him.
But that being said, I noticed a lot of strange coincidences when I was watching the Rachel Maddow show last night. Sarah Palin and Moamar Khadifi both made long-winded, rambling speeches that audience members walked out on in disgust. They’re also both from oil-rich regions and they bad-mouthed America. When you add in the numerology piece, it’s obvious that they’re after nothing less than the overthrow of the U.S. government.
Sure, Khadifi kept calling Obama his son but that was only a ruse to actually turn us against him and towards the radical right. And Palin still harping on the death panels? That’s because it’s really a part of the hidden Republican agenda. Only the unborn will be sacred in the Palin/Khadafi regime. And did you notice that Palin was making her first speech since her resignation in Asia? China will be turning us into slaves until December 21, 2012 when during the Apocalypse Kirk Cameron will come down and lift us up into heaven. Unfortunately, I won't be here to see it. Clones are scheduled to be exterminated in 2011.
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