Kentucky may be number one in people missing teeth but when it comes to whack job politicians, South Carolina can’t be beat. I watched Obama’s speech on healthcare tonight and I have to admit, he’s won me back into the fold. He framed it as a moral issue and even though he was open to Republican suggestions he made it clear that flat out lies would not be tolerated. And when he pointed out that illegal immigrants would not be covered in the health care reform bill Joe Wilson, a congressman from South Carolina, actually screamed “You lie!” during a joint session of Congress like a petulant 14 year old boy.
Once again I just have to say, what the fuck?!? I grew up in the South and they beat it into you to have respect for authority and sorry, but whether you voted for him or not, Obama’s your president so learn to show a little respect. It might be different if Wilson had a point but it’s in black and white. There is a line in the bill that says illegal immigrants are not covered. But at least he’s not a hypocrite. Unlike Senator Vitter and Governor Sanford.
Both were holier-than-thou Christians who were more than ready to condemn other politicians for sexual indiscretions but totally changed their tunes when it was them being asked to resign. Senator Vitter was calling up a prostitution service in Washington and Governor Sanford, well we all know how pathetic he was. First he was on the Appalachian Trail and next thing you know he's in Argentina with the love of his life. And both of their wives stood by them. That's what's painful to watch. These women humiliate themselves in front of millions of people and get nothing in return.
I've got an old postcard framed on my wall containing a poem that ends with the line, and politics the damnedest-in Kentucky. That may've been true in 1909 but in 2009 the real nuts have fallen a little farther south. Nobody can beat those gamecocks!
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