I want you to read the above link and see if you think it has anything to do with indoctrination and Nazis. From what I can tell it provides an outline for kids to learn more about the office of President and the so called "indoctrination" is a message to work hard and get a good education. What's so subversive about that?
One of my high school classmates stated on Facebook that they're going to keep their kids out of school on that day so Obama can't "indoctrinate" them. The next comment was that it reminded them of the Nazis. What the fuck?!? Presidents have always talked to school children. Hell, Bush had to finish reading The Pet Goat before he could deal with 9/11. I was definitely not a Bush fan but I had enough respect for the office of the President not to call him a Nazi. I didn't agree with most of his policies but he wasn't a monster.
I grew up around Christian flag-wavers and I was taught to respect the President but I guess that only applies when he agrees with their point of view. When we had a mock election in 1976 I was only one of two kids who voted for Ford because everyone else's parents were Democrat. I was also one of only two children who voted for Harriet Tubman in the Weekly Reader poll of historical figures in a hypothetical race for the presidency. George Washington actually won hands down over Abraham Lincoln which was surprising since I grew up in Lincoln's birthplace. Even a hundred years after his presidency he was still a little too radical for Hodgenville.
The point is that even though it's 33 years later, I still remember voting in those elections. Obama is providing a golden opportunity for students to get excited about our government and learn more about the electoral process. Why in the hell would you want to deprive your kid of the opportunity to participate?
I've been having this same discussion. People are seriously idiots.