Photo credit: gracey from
The title of the video making the rounds on Facebook and YouTube is This Should Keep Us All Thinking but I think This Should Keep Us All Not Thinking would be more appropriate. Most of the “facts” in this video seemed highly suspect and a two second internet search pulled up numerous articles debunking this urban legend. It seems some variation of the atheist professor and the brave Christian story has been circulating almost as long as I’ve been alive.
I had a hard enough time believing that any college would have a required course devoted to proving that God doesn’t exist but the fact that this professor had convinced twenty years worth of students by dropping a piece of chalk was too much for me to take. What the hell does breaking chalk prove? With all the fucked up things going on in this world, why would God give a shit about a piece of chalk? This doesn’t sound like impeccable logic to me. But the Christian student doesn’t try to argue. He relies on blind faith and waits for God to prove his existence. And the supposedly intelligent professor agrees with the student that just because the dropped chalk doesn’t break, it must be the hand of God at work.
What this keeps me thinking is that sometimes shit breaks when you drop it and sometimes it doesn’t. I’m not seeing a rational argument for either side in this parable.But that's my problem. I'm actually thinking and that doesn't seem to be something most religions encourage. I'm still open to the possibility that there might be some sort of spiritual world out there, hence the agnostic part of my blog name, but it's going to take a hell of a lot more than a piece of chalk to convince me to worship the cruel, vengeful, bitter God that I've read about in the Bible.
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